Ninhada/litter B
Pai/ Father: Ch Rego do Ameneiro Jakobusland
Mãe/Mother: Isa Bosques del Zar
Benjamin La Cattalita
macho/male a 02 21?
1 dia/day: 98gr
Significado/meaning: FILHO DA FELICIDADE/Son of happiness
Pessoas com destaque:
Benjamin McKenzie, ator; Benjamin Franklin, presidente EUA;
Benjamin Constant, pensador e escritor suíço;
Benjamin Britten, um músico e compositor britânico.
Barzilai La Cattalita
macho/male n 09 24
1 dia/day: 98gr
Significado/meaning: Feito de ferro/made of iron
Permaneceu fiel a
DAVI durante a perseguição a Davi, por seu filho, Absalão. Em
MAANAIM(Acampamento de anjos), Barzilai foi um dos que trouxeram camas e outros
suprimentos para o
REI e seus soldados. Barzilai era
conhecedor das grandes vitórias do REI DAVI. Tornou-se amigo fiel e dedicado.
Barzilai remained faithful to David during the chase, by his son, Absalom. In Mahanaim (Angels Camp), Barzilai was the one who brought beds and other supplies to the King and his soldiers. Barzilai was aware of the great victories of King David. He became a loyal friend and dedicated ..
Bera La Cattalita
macho/male a 03 24?
1 dia/day: 103gr
Significado/meaning: Dom/
Bera é o rei de Sodoma descrito em Gênesis 14. Na história, Bera se uniu a outros reis cananeus em rebelião contra Quedorlaomer, um rei elamita que governava um vasto império. A grande força imperial saqueou Sodoma, levando várias pessoas cativas e vários despojos. O povo e seus bens foram resgatados por Abraão. Bera foi - ele havia escapado da batalha se escondendo em um buraco - até Abraão e propôs que ele ficasse com todos os bens materiais e que lhe devolvesse apenas o povo. Abraão generosamente responde que não ficaria com um fio sequer.
Bera king of Sodom is described in Genesis 14. In the story, Bera joined other Canaanite kings in rebellion against Chedorlaomer, an Elamite king who ruled a vast empire. The great imperial force plundered Sodom, carrying several people and several captive spoils. The people and their goods were rescued by Abraham. Bera was - he had escaped from the battle by hiding in a hole - to Abraham and proposed that he stay with all the material and just give her back the people. Abraham replies that would not be generous with a single thread.
Bera king of Sodom is described in Genesis 14. In the story, Bera joined other Canaanite kings in rebellion against Chedorlaomer, an Elamite king who ruled a vast empire. The great imperial force plundered Sodom, carrying several people and several captive spoils. The people and their goods were rescued by Abraham. Bera was - he had escaped from the battle by hiding in a hole - to Abraham and proposed that he stay with all the material and just give her back the people. Abraham replies that would not be generous with a single thread.